002: New website, a digital garden and a little peek behind the scenes

Posted by Harry Keller on Aug 17, 2022; updated on Aug 31, 2022

Greetings from the Village! It’s been almost a month since our last newsletter and oh boy, we’ve been juggling quite a few things: First and foremost we’ve got a new website under village.one, which has a bit more context than the teaser page before.

Village One: a design + tech cooperative
Click to see our new website!

It’s still mostly a single page: We kept this first version deliberately small and decided to just get it out there, then iterate on it in the open. We considered adding videos, animations, more sub-pages, but in the end none of these seemed crucial enough to hold it back any longer. So we focused on the main ideas we wanted to get across, made it blazing fast and added a few nifty details like a subtle light/dark mode. It’s never meant to be finished anyways and will receive updates frequently. Although that’s what everyone says, and then the page looks exactly the same years later, so only time will tell, I guess.

We also started work on our digital garden: a wiki / knowledge base / handbook / library section … so far it’s pretty bare-bones, which is why it’s not linked on the main homepage yet. But we wanted to give you, dear subscribers, a little preview:


The most noteworthy pages so far are the clients wish/blocklist, a shout-out to all our partners who are helping us to get V01 off the ground and the newsletter archive. We have a lot more pages planned though, for example explaining how to found a co-op in Germany, detailing out toolchain or how we set salaries. It’s called a garden because these are meant to be evergreen pages, updated over time, growing into a repository of our organisational knowledge.

Besides refining the website we’re continuing to work on projects (case studies will also hit the garden sooner or later), have been taking some holidays, while also welcoming a fourth person to the team (announcement soon) and also had a notary appointment to finalize the founding process just yesterday.

At the notary with all our official documents
At the notary with all our official documents
Christoph in a meeting room at wework
Afterwards we did some project planning at wework, which was … an experience

Big thanks by the way for all your encouraging feedback! It means the world to us when somebody out there thinks it’s cool what we’re doing, recommends us to a client or wants to get involved! Still early days, we’re just getting started!

To the journey!
Harry + team

Stronger together: Come along for the ride!

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